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AERO PR PHOTO GALLERY UPDATE by revo on 03/09/2002. [read 1 comment]

Six new photos have been added to our Aero PR photo gallery, featuring shots of Jean Michel at the concert site and photos from the press conference held today at Tylstrup. Visit the Aero PR photo gallery now! [MORE]

AERO - WHO'S WHO? by revo on 03/09/2002. [comments?]

A look at who is performing on-stage at Aero - A Celebration of the Wind. Synthesisers/vocals - Jean Michel Jarre Synthesisers - Francis Rimbert Percussion - Safri Duo (special guests for Aero) Orchestra - Aalborg Symphony Orchestra Choir - Coro Misto and Klarup Pigekor Choirs [MORE]

AERO - PRACTICAL INFORMATION by revo on 03/09/2002. [read 1 comment]

Some links that could prove to be of use for fans visiting Northern Jutland for the concert Visit Aalborg Transport information for the concert (see also the article from Revolution on the Web) Net Cafes Weather forecasts - BBC - Lycos - [MORE]

AERO - TRANSPORT INFORMATION by revo on 02/09/2002. [comments?]

The official Aero website have finally put essential information online (in English) about transport to the concert site for this weekend. Click here for the page with information on how to get to the site by car, train and bus. To briefly summarise: Travelling by car is not encouraged, since the traffic conditions during the day are expected to be chaotic. Drivers and passengers will h .... [MORE]

DAYTIME AERO PREPARATION PHOTOS ONLINE by revo on 02/09/2002. [read 5 comments]

Following on from last nights Aero perparation photos, we are now happy to share with you a number of daytime preparation photos! These photos concentrate more on the stage area and spectator area, with the stage roof now raised and in place. Take me to the Daytime Aero Preparation gallery right now! A big thanks go again to Jesper Kristensen for the photos and for successfully managing to .... [MORE]

EXCLUSIVE AERO PREPARATION PHOTOS ONLINE by revo on 01/09/2002. [read 6 comments]

Revolution are very happy to have exclusive photos online from the Aero concert site with things taking shape for the concert in just six days time. Take me to the Aero Preparation gallery right now! The photos include lighting and firework installation, the stage, the backdrop, windmills being used, etc. Please note that due to bad lighting, the photos are not going to be the sharpest you .... [MORE]

EXTRA AERO TICKETS FOR SALE ON E-BILLETTER by revo on 27/08/2002. [comments?]

Despite tickets for Aero now being sold out for a few weeks, a limited number are now on sale online at e-billetter, in conjunction with Danish company Friis Sportsrejser. The 'catch' is that the ticket is sold as part of a coach package, which provides outward and return travel to the concert. It is not possible to buy the ticket separately. There are many pick-up points in Denmark for the c .... [MORE]

BECOME A LIVE SMS REPORTER FOR AERO by revo on 20/08/2002. [comments?]

The LIVE SMS reports service will return again for the Aero concert, however this time we are inviting you to become a LIVE SMS reporter if you are visiting Denmark for the concert! To become a reporter is very easy and can be completed online in a few minutes, and you can also send a test SMS now to ensure everything is working properly. Visit our section on how to become a LIVE SMS reporte .... [MORE]

AERO IS A COMPLETE SELL-OUT by revo on 14/08/2002. [read 5 comments]

All tickets for Aero have now been sold, with the last few remaining VIP tickets at approximately £160 now been snapped up. The concert in just over three weeks time will host an audience of 35,000 people. For all fans who have a ticket for the show, the official Aero website hosted by TV2 have given details about special transportation to/from the concert site. However at present the informa .... [MORE]

AERO ALMOST SOLD OUT by revo on 29/07/2002. [read 4 comments]

Tickets for Aero are on the verge of being sold out. Only VIP tickets are now remaining priced at 1895Dkr (currency converter), with standard and showbuffet tickets no longer available. Click here to buy VIP tickets online now at The capacity of the concert is 35,000 (reduced from the original plan of 50,000, for security reasons). It is not expected that the number will inc .... [MORE]

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