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NEW JARRE MAILING LISTS by revo on 21/11/2003. [comments?]

Two new Jean Michel Jarre discussion mailing lists have been created earlier this month. For fans who are not familiar with the concept of discussion mailing lists, you can subscribe to the list, receive emails from other fans participating in various discussions, and you are able to participate in the discussion by sending emails yourself. It is not the the kind of mailing list in which you onl .... [MORE]

FULL TRANSCRIPT OF SFR WEBCHAT by revo on 20/01/2003. [read 1 comment]

The complete transcript of the webchat hosted by SFR on Thursday 16th January is now online, click here to see the transcript. [MORE]

JARRE WEBCHAT TOMORROW ON SFR.FR by revo on 15/01/2003. [read 1 comment]

The webchat on with Jean Michel Jarre is still planned to go ahead tomorrow at 18:00 (CET) (click here for our previous news item about the chat). Click here to ask your questions in advance to Jean Michel Jarre. The chat will start tomorrow at 18:00 (CET) from here, in which you must have an up-to-date web browser which supports Java. You simply enter your nickname and email address .... [MORE]

FRENCH WEBCHAT ON THURSDAY 16TH JANUARY ON SFR.FR by revo on 10/01/2003. [read 2 comments]

Jean Michel Jarre will host a webchat on the website of the French mobile operator SFR, on Thursday 16th January 2003 at 18:00 (CET). Please note the webchat will be ONLY in French! So if your French is not upto scratch, it is time to dust down your textbooks and dictionaries ;-) It is unlikely that any questions submitted in any other language than French will be considered by SFR for Jean M .... [MORE]

AERO PR GALLERY ONLINE by revo on 12/08/2002. [read 2 comments]

A gallery of 12 different PR shots, including some new photos not published to date, is now available to view online on Revolution on the Web. Simply click here to visit our Extra section and select Aero PR photos. We hope you enjoy the gallery. [MORE]

WEBCHAT REMINDER by little on 21/06/2001. [comments?]

Today, 21st June, Jean Michel Jarre will attend a WebChat from Athens. Chat will start at 14:00 BST, 15:00 CET and 16:00 Athens time :-) Point your browser to: No special software is required, the chat will run as a Java applet and will feature Video as well. [MORE]

JARRE.NET IS BACK by revo on 04/06/2001. [comments?]

The official Jean Michel Jarre website went back on-line on Monday 4th June, just a little over a month after it's self-imposed closure. Hopefully the site will not face any more difficulties which made it close in the first place and the site will continue to evolve and develop all the time. [MORE]