by revo on 05/09/2002.

Just a small update at the moment from Aalborg, after surviving the trip yesterday (taxi, plane, bus and train) ;-)

We have been to the concert site this morning (and we got lost), however there will be signposts on Saturday to aid you. However we advise you to use public transport on Saturday, since the local roads to Gammel Vra Enge are small and have NO lights at all. Further, the car park is 5KM from the concert site and it is not clear whether there will be local buses from the car park to the concert site or not. Of course, the buses from the train stations, detailed here will still run.

Information for fans with VIP tickets, you will be sitting in a covered canopy at the back of the concert site (a nice distance from the stage to enjoy the overall scene). Security at the concert is high, after the tragic events in Roskilde last year, nothing is being left to chance.

The local media has been featuring the concert quite a lot, especially on local TV news and newspapers. If you are in Aalborg, be sure to visit the local tourist centre, in which they have the special Appetize magazine FREE (ask at the desk for a copy) and you can also buy the special poster (if it is your taste or not) ;-)

The biggest concern for the oragnisers on Saturday is the weather and we suggest you wear something practical, especially shoes with a good grip. The area today was quite muddy, but not too bad. However, with some rain, the area could turn into a swamp quite quickly, so make sure you have good footwear!

We hope to have some pictures online later, since we are heading for the coast later this evening ;-) Look out for more updates soon, the Internet cafe is only 5 mins walk away from the hotel 8-)