by revo on 05/04/2002.

As reported back in February, Jean Michel Jarre is to perform at the annual festival Le Printemps de Bourges in France in April. Jean Michel's participation at the event would be to be participate in an Audio Brunch on Friday 12th April and would include a mini performance (refer to the previous news item for more information).

The organisation of the festival originally stated that free tickets for the Brunch would be distributed on a first come first served basis on the day of the event itself. Bearing in mind that the venue for the Brunch, Palais Jacques Couer, holds only 100 people.

However, the festival organisers had a change of heart recently, now deciding that free tickets was now for VIP and invited guests, with the allocation of 100 already taken. This despite the fact that fans had been told by officials for the festival of the previous ticket arrangements, with a number of fans already making travel arrangements to attend. In addition, the Brunch itself is promoted by Le Printemps de Bourges and in no way it states that the event is restricted (except stating about obtaining a ticket).

The official Jean Michel Jarre website, jarre.net, have been determined and fortunate enough to obtain 10 tickets for fans, which were distributed in a recent lottery on the site. Nearly 300 fans entered the lottery, these fans alone could fill the venue three times over. It seems that Le Printemps de Bourges have underestimated the drawing power of Jean Michel Jarre, even in a more 'low key' event like this.

Therefore, if you do not have a ticket for the event next week, then we advise not to go to Bourges and try to gain admittance, as you will be refused entry. It is regrettable that the organisers, who it seems took the sole decision to make the event 'elitist', have taken this stance and it is thanks to the official Jean Michel Jarre website that a limited number will be in attendance.